Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This picturesque town is situated on a dramatic ridge at an elevation equal to the highest mountain peak in Ireland.
It was once settled by Nawari traders and is a perfect place to see how it was to live in a Newari village in medieval times before the advent of concrete. A group named Himalayan adventures has restored old inns in this and another village and they have worked to give the villagers a sense of pride in their place so this village is quiet, no horns blowing, very little trash and various signs encourage people not to litter and spit. See photo above that shows greeting upon arrival:)
There was a rather hair raising ride up in an overcrowded jeep like bus with people hanging on to the back as the jeep like bus tore around the curves on a very narrow road with a VERY steep drop although the views of the Himalaya range were breath taking too. I was lucky to be inside from where I took this picture.
The old inn is just beautiful with it's tiny doors and windows all carved out of wood, meandering halls and corners, lovely terrace overlooking the majestic mountains still covered in snow. It is, of course, a bit expensive to stay there so I went to a home stay next door also in a very old house but one could still enjoy the inn for drinks, food etc.
There's little to do except walk through the winding hilly streets and see how people live. Groups of women washing clothes in large basins in a designated spot where there is a tank holding water. Young men playing a game rather like pool except they are pushing pieces the size of checkers around on a chalked table and it has holes like a pool table. Men play cards in various corners and women are combing their lovely long hair or their daughters are doing it for them or friends are combing each others hair. All are walking or chatting with their arms around each other or linking arms or hands. It is especially noticable that families are very close and that Dad's play a lot with their children.
Met some really nice people and shared wine and a meal with them on the terrace of the old inn. A fire was lit outdoors against the cool of the night and it was very cosy in the candlelight as the host put a candlebra on the table since there was no light of course.

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