Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Things I will miss about Thailand

Riding my bike, a cool breeze, sunny days, the scent of flowers, birdsong and white teeth flashing smiles from strangers.

Whole families plus dog riding by on one motor bike with granny on the back calmly eating or knitting.

The bows and wai's before the spirit house each morning and presentation of fresh tea, whiskey, bananas, other fruit, flowers and water even though within minutes the birds will have had a little feast there but the main thing is the spirits will first have had their fill.

Greetings and smiles when entering any public "taxi" and the ease of just waving a hand in any place on any street to catch one. Usual price in the city is 50 cents a ride.

The tiny stands on almost every street that mend clothes, sew new clothes, repair shoes or watches for reasonable prices.

The beautiful presentation of food and the colourful interiors of good restaurants and hotels with cool water streaming down walls, orchids, cushions and serenity

The availability of cooked food priced for every pocket. People just set up a stand or a make shift grill outside their house and offer food for extra income not to mention the market stalls on most streets with grilled fresh fish, mysterious foods wrapped in banana leaves, every kind of exotic fruit soups and curries, Indian Roti's, grilled sausages and kebabs and satays on sticks.

Of course there are things not to like especially the suicidal drivers making it an act of courage to cross a road where there is no traffic light. Even when there it is red it is often not recognised so the locals scurry across to be sure. The cars and motor bikes switch lanes, drive up one way streets with a merry disregard for rules.

Thais don't like to say no so an affirmative does not mean they will actually do something. They are not paid well so think nothing of sleeping at work which rather defeats the market lady who rises VERY early and sets up her stall only to fall asleep across it within an hour.

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