Saturday, December 19, 2009

YMCA School

I've started back to Thai classes at the YMCA and this time I am going for conversation in the mornings and reading/writing in the afternoons so don't have so much time just now. There's a real need to study in between. This is just such a hard language to learn and my old grey head doesn't cooperate as quickly as it used to. There's 44 consonants, 32 vowels, tone marks and various symbols for punctuation as they don't have any commas or full stops. I am not planning to get as far as reading but do want to understand notices, names of places etc. Our teachers all look like teenagers with long black hair, they dress in little children's dresses and wear backless heeled shoes that go clack clack up and down the stairs. Three of the teachers are on the right.

Since many of the students are only used to "hole in the ground" toilets these signs are considered necessary in many western loos.

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